Welcome to the Binner Website

The Weird

Many have binned over the years but those most adept at the Biniscular art are recorded in the following list:

Andy Biggar
Mark Cowper
David Dunham
Neil Dunham
Carl Fleischer
Andy Horwood
Leppo Marxx*
Wayne Lang
Aidan Marsh
Mick O'Sullivan

* For reasons of poncing about, James Arber has asked that his real name be disguised on this website. In respect of James Arber’s wishes, we have changed his name to Leppo Marxx.


Email the Binners

Site maintained by:
David Timothy Dunham
Old Hob Webs


With visiting sites that many would see as dark mysterious places, often associated with pagan rites, being the stock in trade of the Binner, we are often asked questions such as: ‘Were you scared?’; or its close relation: "Was it spooky?" The answer to these questions is almost invariably, and unfortunately, no.

Although it is undeniable that many of the places we visit have an atmosphere, it generally tends to be a positive one. We have never had occasion to turn to each other, hair standing on end, shouting ‘let’s get the hell out a’ here’. Oh, except when we visited the Humphrey Littleton Long Barrow at a time when it was held up with lollypop sticks and toilet roll tubes

Most of the party went all the way to the end of the barrow, clambering over supporting wedges of wood and pushing aside loose struts that no longer seemed to be in use, and we were happy enough.

It was only really Mick who had appreciated the relevance of the metal sheet that had been leaning up against the entrance when we arrived; a metal sheet that had obviously once been held fast by the small piece of string which now hung limp from one rusting edge. Mick was also probably the first of us realise the significance of the dust trickling from the roof of the barrow. And it goes without saying that it was Mick that figured out that ‘Danger - Keep Out!’ was probably a serious reference the barrow, and not just a jolly farmers jape aimed at the less forthright tourist.

We all agreed afterwards though that this was not, however, good reason for Mick to turn that pale yellow colour and start mumbling on about wanting to be with his mother, after only getting about ten yards down the tunnel.

As you can see from this photograph, weird things do sometimes happen though. This picture was taken with the delay timer on Wayne’s camera and clearly shows that we briefly became part of the ‘Photo Stone’ - possibly only for the time the shutter was open. At the time, we didn't even notice our temporary blending with the ancient megalith, and, had it not been for seeing the evidence of the picture, wouldn't have believed it ourselves. The ‘Photo Stone’ is named so because it is at a very convenient point for a rest and a photo opportunity, during the walk down West Kennet Longbarrow after a pleasant evening in the pub.